Do you need to clean your window wells but are unsure where to start? Our straightforward guide on how to clean window wells cuts through the clutter to bring you simple, effective methods. From removing debris to ensuring proper drainage, we lay out the must-know steps to safeguard your home from water hazards.

Key Takeaways

The Basics of Window Well Cleaning

Often overlooked, window wells play a vital role in preventing water damage to your home. Debris can accumulate in these wells, obstructing the drain and causing the excess rainwater to build up. This buildup of water can lead to severe issues, such as potential cracks in your home’s foundation near the egress window, leading to water intrusion and damage.

Regular maintenance is vital for many homeowners to keep their window wells clear and their homes safe. By preventing water damage, homeowners can save a fortune that would otherwise be spent on costly repairs.

Assemble Your Cleaning Kit

Before starting the cleaning process, following a step-by-step guide to gather all the necessary tools is important. This includes a shovel for collecting and disposing of debris, as well as a garbage bag. A wheelbarrow can also be handy for this purpose.

For cleaning your outdoor space, you will need:

cleaning window wells

Safety First

Safety should always be your priority. Window wells often contain sharp objects and debris like leaves, small rocks, and sticks. These can cause serious injuries if your hands are not properly protected during cleaning. Therefore, wearing gloves is a must when cleaning window wells.

Removing Visible Debris Step by Step

Now that you’re equipped with the right tools and safety measures, it’s time to get down to business. Regularly checking window wells and sump pumps for debris and cleaning them are crucial steps to maintaining their proper function and preventing drain clogging.

Start by wearing gloves and manually removing large debris such as leaves, twigs, and trash from the window well. Once you’ve removed the larger debris, use a garden hose to rinse down the sides of the window well. This will help loosen and facilitate the removal of any remaining smaller debris.

Start with Large Debris

During the cleaning process, it’s best to start with large debris. These items, like fallen branches, leaves, and trash, should be manually picked up from the window well. Using a rake or grabber can make this job easier and will aid in maintaining a clean window well. Once you’ve collected the large debris, appropriately dispose of them.

Tackle Smaller Debris

Once the large debris is removed, it’s time to tackle the smaller particles. A powerful shop vacuum is an effective tool for this job. Regular cleaning with a hand shovel or vacuum helps to prevent debris and ensures that smaller particles and dirt won’t clog the window well’s drainage system, maintaining long-term efficiency.

If small debris or other debris is stuck to surfaces within the window well, a wire brush can be used to loosen it before it’s vacuumed or washed away.

Ensuring Proper Drainage

Now that your window well is free of debris, the next step is to ensure proper drainage. Window wells that don’t drain properly can cause a host of problems, including water damage to your home. Re-caulking window well liners and checking the seal of window wells and the window itself can prevent water seepage and moisture entry that could affect drainage.

Furthermore, keeping gutters clear can prevent overflow, which might otherwise spill into window wells and impede drainage. Regularly inspecting and cleaning or replacing gravel around the window well drain can also aid in maintaining proper drainage.

Cleaning window wells

Inspect and Clear the Drain Pipe

To check if your window well is draining properly, follow these steps:

  1. Run water from a hose into the window well.
  2. Observe if the water drains efficiently without approaching the bottom of the window.
  3. If you notice the water isn’t draining, remove any visible debris from the surface of the water in the window well.
  4. Identify and clear blockages from the drain.

If the window well is still not draining and no blockages are visible, use a pipe snake to dislodge potential debris within the drain pipe.

Addressing Standing Water Issues

If you notice standing water in your window well, several issues could be the cause. Soil intrusion into window wells can clog the drainage systems if the well is improperly sized or misaligned with the home’s foundation. Clogged gravel, often filled with dust or fines, can impede drainage and may require gravel replacement.

Slow drainage or the absence of water movement could signify an obstruction within the drain pipe, necessitating further examination or the intervention of a professional.

Refreshing the Gravel Layer

Gravel is another crucial component of window wells. It serves as a permeable layer, facilitating proper drainage by allowing water to drain away from the foundation and preventing water damage. The gravel depth in window wells should be at least 4 to 6 inches to support the weight of window well covers and allow sufficient water flow.

However, if gravel becomes compacted, it can inhibit water flow and act similarly to cement. This necessitates either cleaning or replacing the gravel layer to ensure continued drainage. Regular inspection and maintenance of the window well gravel are key to preventing drainage issues, as wet sand and dirt can clog the gravel layer over time.

When to Replace or Add New Gravel

The gravel depth in window wells should be evaluated annually to ensure it maintains the recommended depth for proper drainage. If you find that the gravel is compacted and cannot drain water effectively, it may need to be loosened or replaced.

In such cases, adding new gravel or replacing the entire layer can restore efficient water drainage.

How to Wash and Reuse Gravel

You don’t always need to replace the gravel. In many cases, it can be cleaned and reused. Over time, gravel can become dirty and may require washing to maintain clear drainage pathways.

To clean your gravel, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the gravel from the window well using a shovel.
  2. Rinse the gravel thoroughly to clear away any accumulated dirt or debris.
  3. Once cleaned, replace the gravel with the window well for continued use.

Installing and Maintaining Window Well Covers

Window well covers are another essential aspect of maintaining clean and functional window wells. These covers prevent tripping, injuries, and debris accumulation in window wells, which can clog the drain. However, choosing the right window well cover can be a complex task, with factors such as weight resistance, UV discoloration resistance, and compatibility with different types of windows to consider.

Metal grates, for instance, offer support up to 400 pounds and ensure ventilation, providing strength and easy removal during emergencies. Most importantly, covers that adhere to safety standards address emergency egress needs while keeping debris out.

Choosing the Right Cover for Your Climate

When selecting covers for window wells, it’s crucial to be aware of the local climate. Different covers are designed to withstand different weather conditions. For instance, sloped covers are beneficial in areas with heavy rainfall, as they help direct water away from the home, reducing the risk of water damage.

In colder climates, bubble window well covers are useful, as they don’t break in cold temperatures. They protect basement windows that protrude above the window well.

Keeping Covers Clean and Functional

Once you’ve selected the right cover, maintaining it is just as important. Regular cleaning of polycarbonate window well covers is crucial to keeping them clear and allowing maximum sunlight into the basement. Covers should be inspected for clarity, cracks, or damage and cleaned to ensure proper shedding of water and visibility.

Professional Services by Bellah Cleaning Company

While maintaining window wells is certainly a doable task for most homeowners, professional help can make the process much easier. For residents in Southlake, Colleyville, Keller, and surrounding areas of Texas, Bellah Cleaning Company offers professional window-well maintenance services. With over ten years of experience serving home and business owners in Texas, Bellah Cleaning Company has developed expertise in maintaining window wells, ensuring safe and proper function.

Expertise in Action

Whether it’s removing debris or ensuring proper drainage, Bellah Cleaning Company’s team of professionals knows exactly what to do. With their specialized professional services, you can rest assured that your window wells will be free of debris and functioning correctly.

Easy Scheduling and Service

Scheduling an appointment with Bellah Cleaning Company is easy. They offer a customer portal for easy access to quotes, payment options, upcoming jobs, and service requests.

Preventative Measures and Tips

Proper maintenance of window wells is a consistent effort. Regular cleaning is essential as window wells enable emergency exits, bring natural light to basements, and contain drainage systems to prevent flooding. Therefore, debris should be cleared from window well drains every few months to prevent clogs and to ensure efficient drainage.

The majority of debris can be prevented from entering window wells by regularly maintaining and utilizing the correct window well covers. Rust or corrosion on window well covers should be periodically inspected, particularly after wet seasons, and rust-resistant paint should be applied to metal parts as needed.

Seasonal Considerations

Seasonal changes can impact window wells, and it’s important to consider them when maintaining them. Cleaning window wells before the onset of winter weather prepares for increased precipitation and prevents potential debris accumulation.

Landscaping activities, such as relocating or trimming plants near window wells, should be managed to minimize dirt and debris entering the well.

Wildlife Deterrence Strategies

Wildlife can also pose a problem for window wells. To effectively discourage wildlife from approaching window wells, implement a combination of deterrents employing physical, visual, auditory, and olfactory methods. For instance, physical deterrents like bird wire, motion-activated sprinklers, or even a bug killer near window wells can be installed to make them less appealing to animals.


In conclusion, maintaining clean and functional window wells is essential in protecting your home’s foundation from potential water damage. This involves regular cleaning, ensuring proper drainage, maintaining the gravel layer, installing and maintaining window well covers, and employing preventative measures and tips. While this might seem like a daunting task, with the right steps and professional help when needed, it becomes manageable.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you clear a window well?

To clear a window well, start by removing debris by hand. If there’s too much mess, use a shop vacuum rather than a regular vacuum.

Should there be dirt in a window well?

No, dirt or debris should not be in a window well, as it can block water flow and reduce the effectiveness of the gravel layer. Regular cleaning is important to prevent debris accumulation.

How often should you clean window wells?

You should clean out window wells once per quarter to prevent major buildup of leaves, sticks, rocks, and other debris that could accumulate in them. Regular maintenance will help keep them clean and prevent any issues with drainage.

What is the best way to clean window wells?

The best way to clean window wells is to remove debris by hand or use a shop vacuum for larger messes. Using a regular vacuum is not recommended for this task.

Why is it important to clean window wells?

It is important to clean window wells to maintain their proper function, prevent drain clogging, and protect the home’s foundation from potential water damage.

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